Shipping & Delivery

Estimated delivery time.

Delivery times may vary depending on the specific products and chosen shipping provider. You can review the orders on the website to find the estimated delivery time. We exclusively use Express Shipping for all deliveries, ensuring a swift and efficient shipping experience.

Please note that customs policies, natural forces, strikes and other events may affect the delivery time.

Ship packages.

Packages from our warehouse will be shipped depending on the weight and size of the product through UPS.

Shipping fees.

the shipping cost is contingent the quantity of items in your order. The applicable shipping fee can be reviewed during the checkout process.

Delivery areas.

You can track your order by using the provided tracking number provided by e-mail once your purchase has been dispatched.
In case you weren't present at the shipping address during the delivery attempt, please contact the shipping company and inform them of your tracking number to re-arrange delivery or arrange pickup from the nearest branch. Make sure you receive your order from the branch within the specified time frame, usually 3 days (subject to shipping company policies). Failure to do so may result in your order being returned to our company.
Multiple orders on different dates.
Every order is treated as an individual shipment. Regrettably, we cannot assure simultaneous shipping for orders placed on different dates. Each order will be processed and dispatched independently.